Urban Island – Home of a homeless community

Sozusagen ein Netzfundstück, dass unser Thema „Place Called Home“ noch von einer anderen Perspektive beleuchtet. Details zum Video gibt es weiter unten.

Außer der inhaltlichen Ebene, die mich auch nach dem fünften Angucken nicht loslässt und lange nachwirkt, ist das auch ein inspirierender musikalischer Input: Die isländische Band SIGUR RÓS kannte ich vorher noch gar nicht…


I found this video while strolling around at some videoplattforms to find inspiring thoughts about our focus „Place Called Home„. – for details: see below –

Beside the level of content that doesn’t release me even after the fifth watch and lasts long, this is also an inspiring musical input: the Icelandic band SIGUR RÓS, from which I hadn’t heard anything before…


URBAN ISLAND is a music video by Nils Clauss and Namhui Park for the song VARÚÐ by Icelandic band SIGUR RÓS. It is a portrait of a homeless man in his forties, who has lived on the streets of Seoul for more than 8 years. He has been part of a small homeless community for the past four years, which camps out in a little park next to the train tracks of Yongsan Station. As the man strictly refuses to receive charity, he frequents the city streets each night to make a living by collecting recyclables.

Documenting the hardships of a homeless person working and living within the metropolitan city, challenges general prejudices against people living on the margins of society. The little park next to Yongsan Station, which this community frequents, can be considered as a significant space to find escape and shelter. It also though shows how people are excluded and fenced away from general society. Not only visually, but also in reality this little park is like a small island in the middle of the urban center of Seoul. It is for the audience to decide, if it is island of refugee or exile.

further info on film makers: nilsclauss.com or thisiscontented.com
on Sigur Rós: sigur-ros.co.uk/


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